Our Statement of Faith
There is ONE Sovereign God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. John 1:1, John 14:25-26
There is ONE way of Salvation: faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived as a man, died for the sins of all men, and was resurrected so that all who believe in their hearts and confess Jesus as Lord with their mouths will be saved. John 1:1, John 3:16, Romans 10
There is ONE Book of Truth: the Bible, God's written revelation to man, authoritative, reliable, inerrant and without need of any other document to complete its message. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20
There is ONE Body: the Church, with its many parts acting under the Lordship of Christ. Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12
We hold as a belief and conviction that Marriage is ordained by God as a union between a man and a woman. We also believe that the Lord disapproves of all forms of sexual immorality, and that intimate sexual activity is only to be engaged in within the context of marriage.
Genesis 2:24, Romans 1:21-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Children are given by God as a stewardship to the Parents and not the state. Further, we hold that parents have wherewithal and authority to educate their own children. Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Ephesians 6:4
We believe that God does not make mistakes, and He disapproves of attempts to alter one's birth gender. Genesis 1:27, Deuteronomy 22:5
We believe that Christians are called to live a lifestyle characterized by the fruit of the Spirit rather than the desires of the flesh. It is our responsibility to teach, model and encourage a Christian lifestyle based on the teachings of the Bible. Galatians 5:16-24
Our Beliefs
Extraordinary Education is founded on Christian principles and promotes a biblical Judeo-Christian worldview. All families who choose to participate in our program must agree to respect our Statement of faith. This means that parents and students will not promote a worldview that contradicts our Statement of Faith while participating in programs and activities connected with EE.
We believe that all children should to be led to love and honor God and to make a difference in the world with their special, God-given abilities. We believe character development and a strong work ethic are especially important in an independent study environment like homeschooling. We desire to help our students by teaching and encouraging positive virtues.
Spiritual Development
We believe it is neither possible nor desirable to separate one's faith from other areas of life, including education. Public schools have been prevented from teaching Christian values for the past several decades, and the results have been disastrous. We believe a return to teaching and developing core values will help our children grow to be good citizens and great leaders. Christian principles, values and character qualities are integrated into activities and classes throughout Extraordinary Education.
We serve families from a variety of backgrounds and religious traditions. We recognize that the expression of one's faith is a matter of personal choice. We do not desire to force anyone to express a faith they do not embrace. Students will be exposed to a Christian worldview and Scripture through their classes, group devotion times and Bible study opportunities. Students who are on site during chapel are expected to attend and participate respectfully. Families are not required to sign a Statement of Faith in order to take classes or participate in activities at EE; however, parents desiring to serve as a lead teacher or serve in a leadership position will be required to sign one. All families are required to sign a statement agreeing to respect our Statement of Faith.
Non-Denominational Policy
The Extraordinary Education organization includes people from a variety of Christian denominations and religious backgrounds. It is inevitable that there will be areas in which people will have differences of opinion about spiritual matters.
Our Statement of Faith is designed to emphasize the areas in which Christians can agree, and de-emphasize the areas which could create divisiveness. Families are not required to sign our Statement of Faith unless a parent desires to serve as a lead teacher or serve in a leadership position.
Our Statement of Faith is foundational to the values that are interwoven into every aspect of our program. Instructors, staff and those in leadership are required to support our Statement of Faith at all times in word and deed while acting as representatives of Extraordinary Education.
Participating families are expected to respect our Statement of Faith while participating in programs and activities connected with Extraordinary Education. Although it is possible that a parent or student may not be in agreement with or adhere to these beliefs in his or her personal life, we expect participating families to respect our Statement of Faith and agree that they will not promote a worldview that contradicts our Statement of Faith while participating in our programs.
Gender Identity Clarification
We welcome all homeschool families to participate in EE classes and programs. Our Statement of Faith is not designed to limit participation by any group. Rather, it is designed to express the biblical foundation of our core beliefs, including our belief about gender. We love and respect all families. By stating our core beliefs in a written Statement of Faith, we hope to discourage any conflict that might arise regarding specific issues, including the issue of gender identity.
Our Biblical position on gender identity is also supported the by The American College of Pediatricians:
"The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex."
We are aware that the American College of Pediatricians has been classified as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Parents should keep in mind that Focus on the Family and the American Family Association have also been designated as “hate groups” by this same organization. Parents are encouraged to research these organizations and draw their own conclusions.