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General Policies:

There are no registration fees for camp, what you see is what you
pay.  No discounts apply, 50 dollars per camp will be due at registration, the remaining balance for June camps will be collected no later than June 1st, and for July camps no later than July 1st.  Each five day camp will be 175 dollars with a 25 dollar supply fee.

All camp registrations will be handled through our classjuggler software.  If you are a current family, you know what to do, if you are a new family click here for directions to sign up for classjuggler.  Once in classjuggler, choose the Summer Camp store under shop for classes.  Contact if you have sign up questions.

Campers must be dropped off and picked up within 15 minutes of the start/end of the activity.  We are able to provide library supervision for 10 dollars to cover either a whole week of early drop off and an additional 10 dollars to cover a whole week of later pickup, each choice is a la cart.    

Camp commitments are non refundable.  We will not refund our teachers income for missed sessions, if you sign up, make sure you can commit to every day you have chosen.  We will work out any billing issues and make any billing mistake whole.    

If your student will be attending any camp this summer, please also review the waiver.  Any new student's guardian must sign and deliver one waiver with medical release to the student's teacher on the first day of camp.  (Waiver below, prints as one document)

All EE Handbook policies will remain in force.  Respect of our mission to provide a positive Christian environment means every camper is expected to m
aintain and practice self control.  Summer camp activities are for all students, regardless of faith or creed.  During summer camp, we reduce the meaning of agreement with our statement of faith in classjuggler to  agreement that all students will be mindful of adult authority and respectful to peers and selves.  We are here to have fun while our classes are on break and invite you into that experience with us.  Lets have a great summer of camp!


Summer Camps M-F 9:00AM-11:30AM Each Week

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Afternoon Classes Meeting Weekly

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